Thursday, March 7, 2013

Expert’s advice on short term hair removal methods

Unwanted hair does affect the beauty of women and men. Of course, that is not the only reason that why so many people tend to remove the unwanted hair in different body areas The excess hair would cause the discouragement in the public area. For example, if a girl who has got a hairy mustache would easily not confident enough to show her face in front of the public. That is why so many film stars choose to get rid of unwanted hair so that a perfect image is left with the public. 

Actually, hair removal in different body areas has been very popular with the film stars, swimmers, body builders etc. Hair removal is also needed by common people. There is not any girl who would like to go to the summer beach with bikini hair poking out of swimsuit. For the hair removal solution, we would like to help you choose the right methods based on your circumstances, time and budget.The words shown just offer you a general hair removal solutions.

Short term hair removal methods

For the short term hair removal, you can choose it based on your needs. The effective short term hair removal methods include shaving, plucking, depilatory cream, waxing, threading.

If you do not want to spend a lot of money for expensive permanent hair removal methods, you can choose those short term hair removal methods. Please check the following information based on expert’s experience.

Shaving is the best method for men’s moustache and beard. Men have been used to shaving their unwanted facial hair every day. Men’s moustache and beard is rather strong and coarse. Plucking is impossible since it delivers great pain and it needs a lot of time. Men should never pluck the facial hair instead of shaving. Waxing also not suited for this area, waxing would not strong enough to pull out of the strong and coarse hair.

Plucking can be used to remove the unwanted hair in eyebrow hair area. Plucking does need more time and it can only remove the hair one by one. This method is suitable for eyebrow area.

Waxing is one of the best short term hair removal methods. For men, waxing can be used to get rid of chest, back and genital area hair. With waxing, the hair can be removed from the hair root. That is why it offers four weeks of result. Your area can keep clean and smooth for weeks.

For women, waxing is the best method to get rid of excess hair on the leg, bikini, upper lip, arm, underarm. Bikini hair removal with waxing is rather popular. Brazilian waxing has been become the fashionable activity for the women. Full Brazilian waxing is not only popular among women, but also it is liked by men .The ready to use hair removal wax strip is rather easy to use and also deliver good result.

Depilatory cream is a kind of chemical method. The result can only last as two to five days. It should not be used on the face and bikini area. It is a good method for underarm hair removal.

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